Who kills orchids? EVERYONE!
Here's a fool-proof way to grow them successfully.
1. Chose a new glass jar home for your orchid. I went with a mason jar.
2. Discard all mulch/bark/moss until you're down to your roots. Be careful not to disturb the roots too much! I then went ahead and cut off all the dead roots, you know if the root is dead because it'll be shriveled up and dry. I also disinfected my scissors before cutting.
3. Place orchid roots carefully in new home.
4. Okay, here comes the genius part. Orchid roots will let you know when they need water by turning white. So take a look every few days at your orchid roots, if you notice they're going pale-- like in the photo, drizzle some water in there.
5. Depending on the humidity your orchid may need more or less water than mine. I generally water enough to cover the bottom of the jar, about a centimeter, and I do this about every 3-4 days. You can see in the photo that I don't put a lot of water in there at all. I don't want enough so that the roots are sitting in the water for days, just enough so that the roots can soak up the water and retain it for a few days. However, if you do happen to water too much, no worries. just drain the water out of the jar.
6. The roots will turn green almost immediately. Meaning they're full and happy. :)